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Home > Table Linens > Paris Table Linens Paris Table Linens > Select & design your sleeping items Paris Table Linens > Select & design your decorative items Paris Table Linens > Personalize with monograms
Home > Table Linens > Paris Table Linens Paris Table Linens > Select & design your sleeping items Paris Table Linens > Select & design your decorative items Paris Table Linens > Personalize with monograms

Paris Table Linens

Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa Paris Table Linens-Julia B. Casa
A classic and traditional scallop appliqué creates a feminine border to this style.
Paris Table Linens
This product has been pre-configured for you
1. Choose the item(s) you wish to purchase: ${products[activeProduct-1].title}
2. Specify your Table dimensions:
${RUValue}" x ${RUWidth}" / ${RUValueInCm}cm x ${RUWidthInCm}cm
2. Specify your ${products[activeProduct-1].title} : ${this['selectedSize' + activeProduct]}
Oval tables use either a standard Rectangular or Oval shaped tablecloth. If you indicate Oval (with a consistent drop) as your shape when ordering, we will contact you regarding your production options.
${RUerrorMessage} please email or call for custom pricing. ${RUerrorMessage}
Drop: ${RUDrop}" / ${RUDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the runner is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${RUerrorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Table dimensions: ${TCValue}" x ${TCWidth}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm x ${TCWidthInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please for custom pricing. ${errorMessage}
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Table dimensions: ${TCValue}" x ${TCWidth}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm x ${TCWidthInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please email or call for custom pricing. ${errorMessage}
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Table dimensions: ${TCValue}" x ${TCValue}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm x ${TCValueInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please email or call for custom pricing.
For length bigger than 96” / 244cm please contact us.
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Diameter: ${TCValue}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please email or call for custom pricing.
For diameter bigger than 96” / 244cm please contact us.
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
3. Here below are the selected fabric, embroidery/applique & monogram colors: 3. Here below are the selected fabric and embroidery/applique colors:
${displayedColorSuggestion}   / ${monogramColor} Monogram Detail Color / ${monogramColor} Monogram Letter Color / ${monogramDetailColor} Monogram Detail Color Monogram Color
4. If you prefer to select different colors, click on the color wheel to proceed to the Color Selector:
Your Color Selections:
${selectedFabricColor} Fabric , ${selectedAppliqueColor} ${AppliqueName} , ${monogramColor} Monogram Detail Color , ${monogramDetailColor} Monogram Detail Color , ${monogramColor} Monogram Letter ColorMonogram Color
Loading SVG...
${ selectedMono }
${currency}${formatPrice(this['ProductPrice' + activeProduct]+ 200 *this['quantity'+activeProduct] )} ${currency}${formatPrice(this['ProductPrice' + activeProduct])}
Show my selections

Product description

Delivery time

Size chart

Care instructions

Select your custom base fabric color
Select your custom ${EmbroideryName} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${AppliqueName} color
Select your custom ${Applique2Name} color
Select your custom base fabric color
Custom Fabric Color
Select your custom embroidery color
Select your custom appliqué color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color
Personalize with monograms
Four easy steps to personalizing your Julia B. monogram.
Step 1 Select your monogram style
Step 2 Enter your letters
Step 3 Choose colors
Step 4 Choose monogram location

Step 1

Select from our recommended monogram styles Selected style : ${ selectedMono }
Julia B. recommended monogram styles
The Julia B. monogram library
  • Classic
  • Contemporary
  • Children’s
Show All Monogram Styles
Hide All Styles

You need to select a monogram to proceed!

Step 2

Please enter your letters
Please note that the monogram image shown below is for style reference only, your personalized monogram will be sent to you separately for your approval.
${maxMonogramLegnth} letter for selected monogram style. Up to ${maxMonogramLegnth} letters for selected monogram style.

You need to add monogram letters to proceed!

Step 3

Please choose colors

Our recommended monogram color(s) for your item

${monogramColor} letter color / ${monogramDetailColor} detail color ${monogramColor} color

Our recommended monogram color(s) for your item

${monogramColor} letter color / ${monogramDetailColor} detail color ${monogramColor} color

Select Custom Monogram Colors for Your Item

${monogramColor} monogram letter colormonogram color
Show all ${customMonogramMainColorMain.length}
${monogramDetailColor} monogram detail color
Show all ${customMonogramMainColor.length}
Select your custom base fabric color
Select your custom ${EmbroideryName} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${AppliqueName} color
Select your custom ${Applique2Name} color
Select your custom base fabric color
Custom Fabric Color
Select your custom embroidery color
Select your custom appliqué color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color

Step 4

Please choose monogram location Please select “No Monogram For This Item” if no monogram is desired.
Dinner Napkin: ${dinnerPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Placemat: ${placematPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Cocktail Napkin: ${cocktail_napkinPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Coaster: ${coasterPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Tablecloth: ${tableclothPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Top Sheets: ${runnerPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Fitted Sheets: Monograms are not a standard offering for Fitted Sheets – please contact us for assistance if required. ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Bath Sheets: ${bath_sheetsPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Bath Mat: ${bath_matPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Bath Robe: ${bath_robePosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Wash Cloths: ${wash_clothsPosition} ${currency}30.00
Hand Towels: ${hand_towelsPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}
Bath Towels: ${bath_towelsPosition} ${currency}${formatPrice(monogramPrice)}

Please review your Paris table linens selections:

Base fabric and embroidery colors

Choose your base fabric${ embroidery_exists && applique_exists? ', embroidery,' : '' } ${ embroidery_exists && !applique_exists? 'and embroidery' : '' } ${ applique_exists ? 'and appliqué' : '' } colors

  • Color(s): ${FinalColorChoiceSleeping}
  • Fabric type upgrade: Pure Bliss
  • Selected

Items, shapes and sizes

Select your items, their shapes & sizes

  • Paris Placemat - set of 4 ( ${selectedSize1} ) x ${quantity1}
  • Paris Dinner Napkin - set of 4 ( ${selectedSize2} ) x ${quantity2}
  • Paris Coaster - set of 4 ( ${selectedSize3} ) x ${quantity3}
  • Paris Cocktail Napkins - set of 4 ( ${selectedSize4} ) x ${quantity4}
  • Paris Runner ( ${selectedSize6} ) x ${quantity6}
  • Selected

Monogram selections

Personalize with monograms (optional)

Edit Selected Options
  • Selected Style: ${selectedMono}
  • Monogram letters: ${monogramText}
  • Monogram Letter / Detail colors: ${monogramColor} / ${monogramDetailColor}
  • Coaster: ${coasterPosition} location
  • Tablecloth: ${tableclothPosition} location
  • Runner sheets: ${runnerPosition} location
  • Dinner Napkin: ${dinnerPosition} location
  • Placemat: ${placematPosition} location
  • Cocktail Napkin: ${cocktail_napkinPosition} location
  • Selected
Show my selections

Product description

Delivery time

Size chart

Care instructions

${ stepMainTitle }

Step 1

Please select your colors
Select custom fabric colors & embroidery colors for your tabletop item(s)
Select your base fabric color
The base color is the color of your primary fabric.
Show all ${customFabricColorsCutton.length}
Show all ${customFabricColorsLinen.length}
Select your appliqué color(s)
The color of the thread used for the Appliqué details as shown on the illustration.
${selectedAppliqueColor} ${AppliqueName}
Show all ${customAppliqueColors.length}
${selectedApplique2Color} ${Applique2Name}
Show all ${customApplique2Colors.length}
Select your embroidery color(s)
The color of the thread used for the embroidery details as shown on the illustration.
${selectedEmbrodiryColor} ${EmbroideryName}
Show all ${customEmbrodiryColors.length}
${selectedEmbrodiry2Color} ${Embroidery2Name}
Show all ${customEmbrodiry2Colors.length}
Loading SVG...
Are you sure that you want to remove the Pure Bliss upgrade?
By removing Pure Bliss you miss the possibility to sleep on the absolute best of the best. Upgrade to Julia B.'s Pure Bliss, and experience the dreamiest in cotton and linen bedding.
Select your custom base fabric color
Select your custom ${EmbroideryName} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${AppliqueName} color
Select your custom ${Applique2Name} color
Select your custom base fabric color
Custom Fabric Color
Select your custom embroidery color
Select your custom appliqué color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color

Step 4

Assistance & Bespoke Designs

At Julia B. we can personalize, customize or create from scratch any bedding design you desire.

Please contact us and we will always be delighted to assist you with the selection and design of any aspect of your bedding..



+39 366 875 8979
Select your items, their shapes & sizes

Step 1

Please select your fabric type ${ FabricSelectionDeorative }
Italian Cotton
Italian Linen
All Julia B. products are hand-embroidered on exquisite Italian cotton percale or luxurious Italian linen.

Step 1

Please select your decorative item(s) colors
We recommend contrasting sleeping item colors with decorative item colors. i.e., from Beige Fabric and White Embroidery to White Fabric and Beige Embroidery and vice versa. The choice is yours - we’re always here to help.
We recommend contrasting sleeping item colors with decorative item colors. i.e., from Beige Fabric and White Embroidery to White Fabric and Beige Embroidery and vice versa. The choice is yours - we’re always here to help.
We recommend contrasting sleeping item colors with decorative item colors. i.e., from Beige Fabric and White Embroidery to White Fabric and Beige Embroidery and vice versa. The choice is yours - we’re always here to help.
Select custom fabric colors & embroidery colors for your tabletop item(s)
Select base fabric color
The base color is the color of your primary fabric.
Show all ${customFabricColorsCutton.length}
Show all ${customFabricColorsLinen.length}
Select embroidery color
The color of the thread used for the embroidery details as shown on the illustration.
Show all ${customEmbrodiryColors.length}
Select appliqué color
The color of the thread used for the Appliqué details as shown on the illustration.
Show all ${customAppliqueColors.length}
Select your custom base fabric color
Select your custom ${EmbroideryName} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${Embroidery2Name} color
Select your custom ${AppliqueName} color
Select your custom ${Applique2Name} color
Select your custom base fabric color
Custom Fabric Color
Select your custom embroidery color
Select your custom appliqué color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color
Select your monogram letter colormonogram color
Select your monogram detail color

Step 1

Please select your item(s). Scroll to see all products. Please select your item(s). Scroll to see all products.
Paris Placemat - set of 4
Hand-appliquéd on 100% Italian linen. Choose your shape below.  
${ selectedSize1 }
Subtotal price: ${currency}${formatPrice(ProductPrice1)} ${currency}0.00
Paris Dinner Napkin - set of 4
Hand-appliquéd on 100% Italian linen.  
${ selectedSize2 }
Subtotal price: ${currency}${formatPrice(ProductPrice2)} ${currency}0.00
Paris Coaster - set of 4
Hand-appliquéd on 100% Italian linen.  
${ selectedSize3 }
Subtotal price: ${currency}${formatPrice(ProductPrice3)} ${currency}0.00
Paris Cocktail Napkins - set of 4
 Hand-appliquéd on 100% Italian linen.
${ selectedSize4 }
Subtotal price: ${currency}${formatPrice(ProductPrice4)} ${currency}0.00
Paris Tablecloth
Hand appliquèd on 100% Italian linen.  Choose your shape and enter your dimensions below.
Shape: ${ selectedSize5 }
Oval tables use either a standard Rectangular or Oval shaped tablecloth. If you indicate Oval (with a consistent drop) as your shape when ordering, we will contact you regarding your production options.
Table dimensions: ${TCValue}" x ${TCWidth}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm x ${TCWidthInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please for custom pricing. ${errorMessage}
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Table dimensions: ${TCValue}" x ${TCWidth}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm x ${TCWidthInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please email or call for custom pricing. ${errorMessage}
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Table dimensions: ${TCValue}" x ${TCValue}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm x ${TCValueInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please email or call for custom pricing.
For length bigger than 96” / 244cm please contact us.
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Diameter: ${TCValue}" / ${TCValueInCm}cm
${errorMessage} Please email or call for custom pricing.
For diameter bigger than 96” / 244cm please contact us.
Drop: ${TCDrop}" / ${TCDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the tablecloth is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${errorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Subtotal price: ${currency}${formatPrice(ProductPrice5)} ${currency}0.00
Paris Runner
Hand appliquèd on 100% Italian linen.  Enter your dimensions below.
Table dimensions: ${RUValue}" x ${RUWidth}" / ${RUValueInCm}cm x ${RUWidthInCm}cm
${RUerrorMessage} please email or call for custom pricing. ${RUerrorMessage}
Drop: ${RUDrop}" / ${RUDropInCm}cm
The Drop of the runner is the dimension of the fabric which hangs over each side of the table.
${RUerrorMessageDrop} Please email or call for custom pricing.
Standard drop is 12” / 30cm. Enter “0” if no drop is needed.
Subtotal price: ${currency}${formatPrice(ProductPrice6)} ${currency}0.00

Assistance & Bespoke Designs

At Julia B. we can personalize, customize or create from scratch any bedding design you desire.

Please contact us and we will always be delighted to assist you with the selection and design of any aspect of your bedding..



+39 366 875 8979
Personalize with monograms
Four easy steps to personalizing your Julia B. monogram.
Step 1 Select your monogram style
Step 2 Enter your letters
Step 3 Choose colors